A Framework for Change Update

Congratulations Everyone!

Your bold decision at last September’s AGM to make fundamental changes for organized snowmobiling is a HUGE success!
This result is especially impressive considering that the initial goal of A Framework For Change was simply to stop the downward trend of permit sales and revenues. Instead, in its first transitional year, A Framework For Change achieved that and much, much more:

  • Participation Up: Snowmobilers registered over 104,000 sleds for a 2014 Snowmobile Trail Permit of one type or another. This is the highest number of permitted sleds and participants in the last ten years.
  • Permit Sales Up: 2014 full season permit sales (Seasonal and Classic) are up 21 percent over the 2012/13 season. This is the second highest number of full season permits sold in the last eight years.
  • Permit Revenue Up: 2014 permit revenue is 20 percent more than Framework For Change projections and 13 percent higher than in 2012/13.
  • Online Sales Up: Online sales increased by almost 400 percent this season, with two thirds of riders doing their permit transactions online, thereby substantially reducing your permit administration workload. 

Certainly it was a great winter, but your decision to implement A Framework For Change was the major driver for our success. Almost 80 percent of 2014 full season permits were bought pre-December 1 (compared to 74 percent last season) – that’s over 15,000 additional sales before anyone knew what kind of a winter it would actually be.
So what’s next? As soon as all permits are reconciled and operations reports are in, the data will be analyzed and evaluated to determine what worked well with A Framework For Change, including the new funding model, and what needs to be improved. The board will receive a full report at their July meeting and the OFSC will ensure that this information is available to member clubs and that clubs are included going forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them with your governor.
Meanwhile, give yourself a big pat on the back. You made the right choice to secure a strong future for organized snowmobiling in Ontario, so let’s celebrate at our 2014 convention in Ottawa, September 18 to 20!

A Framework For Change Bulletin Update
May 14, 2014
