Thanks for a Great Season Everyone!

This was an awesome winter and the OFSC wishes to thank our clubs, volunteers, landowners, staff and every snowmobiler that bought a 2014 permit. Your continuing support makes Ontario snowmobiling the most fun on the snow!

Participation Up: Over 100,000 sleds registered for a 2014 Snowmobile Trail Permit of one type or another. This is the highest number of permitted sleds since 2002.

Permit Sales Up: Full season permit sales are up 15% over last season. This is the most full season permits sold since the 2008/09 season, including more than 10,000 new full season permit buyers for 2014.
A majority of permits were purchased on or before December 1, 2013. Great news for our member clubs as the season started earlier than expected!

It's Time to Put Away Your Sled!

All good things come to an end... like the longest grooming season in years! But grooming operations across Ontario have now stopped or are in the process of winding down, so we're asking snowmobilers to stay off of all OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails effective immediately as the snowmobile season is over.

Rapidly deteriorating snow and ice conditions due to spring thaw make snowmobiling extremely hazardous everywhere, while signs and stakes are being removed and gates and fences closed.
Thanks for your cooperation and we'll see you again next winter - same time, same place!
